Askari Bank

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  • Credit Approval.

                     The primary individual factor determining the quality of the bank’s credit portfolio is the ability of each individual authority. Credit will be extended in accordance to the authority levels. Approved by the BOD from time to time.

  • Credit risk assessment

                      Prevention of criminal use of banking channels. Efforts should be made to determine the true identity of a customer and in case of cash transactions the source of funds is established.

  • Credit administrations

                       The principle amount of credit add are as follows

  1. Credit approval
  2. Credit file maintenance
  3. Facilities evidence


  • Credit monitoring and review
  1. Bank ACBL
  2. Capital funds
  3. Credit facilities / extensions

It means granting of financial accommodation or considerations to a customer, which incur the back in monitory loss in the case of non payment or non performance by the customer.

  • Secured Advances

Pledges, hypothecation, charges or mortgages on tangible readily realizable assets. 

  • Security is often an additional security over & above the assets. For example advance allowed against stock in trade.

  • Unsecured / clean

Which are not covered by any tangible security.

  • Credit committee

Head office credit committee only

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